Belle trésor

Hey guys,

So lately I’ve absolutely been falling in love with some of the french quotes I’ve come across. They just sound so beautiful and have some sweet meanings. Here are a few of my favourite.


This translates to : ‘In order to be irreplaceable one must be different’



This one is really true: ‘It is madness to hate all roses because you were stung by one thorn’



Translates (this one is simple but beautiful): ‘She Dreams’


Translates: ‘Indecision is a decision’


The romantic sayings: They just sound beautiful rolling smoothly off the tongue

  1. ‘Life is beautiful’
  2. ‘Love of my life’



Last simple beautiful one: ‘To know, to think, to dream. It’s all there’




I hope you guys enjoyed that little post. I’m so in love with the language and would love to go to Paris one day.

Where are your travel goals? Comment down below I’d love to know also your nationalities. 🙂

Amour Demie xoxo




Saved By The Book

Hey guys,

So by now everyone should be back into their routines. Sometimes I feel like I never even left school. So today I’m creating a new tag which is What’s In My Pencil case. It’s basically where I share some tips on what I bring to school that may make your life easier! Tag a friend and get involved. 🙂


Firstly I started off with the pencil case. I handy tip I’d love to share when considering what pencil case to purchase is that make up cases make amazing pencil cases as well. They have many compartments to contain your belongings and come in several different styles and sizes.

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Sticky notes are always great to carry in your pencil case. They are really helpful when you want to write a quick note and come back to it for future preference. They will help you to be more organised and make life much easier especially when you want to take effective shortcuts to completing your work.



Highlighters are another key thing I bring. They help when you want to highlight important parts in your work especially in your notes for a possible test in the future. My favourite thing I love to do is use them to cross off my work once finished. Sadly the other day my teacher (who clearly has nothing better to do than to create homework) gave us a massive never ending listing of things to do. Highlighting things as you complete your work can give you a sense of accomplishment.


My last little thing I bring are paperclips. Although they aren’t the main thing I use everyday but when the right time comes they can be very useful. When you need to keep your work into categories or need a fast solution to keeping your papers together that’s when I love to keep my paperclips on deck. Another simple thing is if you forget your bookmark and don’t want to put doggy ears in your book you can use a paperclip instead.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Send me a message if you do a similar tag I”d love to check it out. 🙂

Until next time…Demie xoxo


Secrets to Your Goals

Hey guys,

As we all know it’s come to that time when everyone returns back to school or work. I’m unsure whether I feel anxious, excited or sad about it. I guess it’s a mixture of all those emotions. My favourite part however is buying the exciting new stationery for a fresh start. Anyone’s resolution to be more organised this year? Here are some key essentials for beginning school, achieving your goals and keeping on track of your schedule.



A great quality set of stationery should certainly be on everyone’s must have list. The main items you’ll need to help with your work and organising your things are highlighters,pens, pencils, ruler, scissors, textas, paperclips, sticky notes etc. Can I just take a second to say how delicious this pizza pen looks down below. (click for info)


Pencil Case:

This is an obvious one but a pencil case is crucial to keeps all of your belongings together. They come in cute designs and sizes for your liking and personal needs. (Click for info)

Schedule/ planner:

These items will help you to prioritise and see what plans you have ahead so you can keep track of all the things you need to get done. You can see all the goals and tasks to strive for and which ones you’ve completed. It makes things extremely easier for you and will help reduce stress as you’ll feel way more organised.  (Click for Info)


Diaries and journals are a great way to reflect on what you’ve done, achieved and what you’d still like to improve on in the future. You can express all of your thoughts and feelings in them and what you may have learnt along the way. Common journal types kept are for your goals, gratitude or dreams. You can also purchase diaries with dates on them so you can treat it like a schedule or calendar. Who doesn’t want a 3 in 1? What I love about the dream journal below is that it has mini quotes to keep you inspired and motivated.


There are so many amazing bags out there whether you need it for school, carrying your laptop or your belongings between places. Here are some really cute bag designs out now. Make sure you find the right size suitable for you since you don’t want to have bulging items in your bag which will only make your life much more harder.

Drink Bottles:

While rushing around working it’s important to stay hydrated. What I love about the water infusers is that you can mix things up and add in fruit to create your own detox waters. (Click for info)


Desk Decorations:

Having an amazing desk space is key to zoning into a great mind frame to complete your work to the best of your abilities. It can vary from a scented candle, quotes to keep you inspired or even a cute little pot plant.


I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know any goals you would love to achieve this year! 🙂

Love…..Demie xoxo

2016 Inspiration

Now that we’ve said goodbye to 2015 it’s time to move on. It’s time to open up our first chapter in our new story of 2016.Each day you live your life you’re creating a new page. You’re pages in the future however remain blank as no one knows what’s to come. You can make your story full of regrets with no happy endings or you can make your story an amazing one you wish you could revisit everyday. It’s your choice so pick the right one! In the end we will make mistakes and have new year resolutions which some were made to be broken but we are only human and no one is perfect. 

Today I wanted to share with you some of my favourite quotes to get your year started. I hope everyone has an amazing 2016! 🙂 


Hope you enjoy.

Much love….Demie xx